Cambridge, UK: Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, is delighted to introduce its new look range of gel doc and chemi blot imaging systems on Stand 130-136 at ARABLAB 2018 on 18-21 March. These compact systems are an excellent choice for cost-conscious scientists who need versatile gel doc imagers and simple-to-use chemi blot imaging systems.

For scientists wanting a complete workstation, the NuGenius is the ideal gel doc. This powerful system features an internal processor and 5 million-pixel CCD camera with motor driven zoom lens, guaranteeing incredible at-system image capture with gels of up to 20cm x 24cm.

The NuGenius gel doc system features a compact light-tight darkroom where researchers can choose to fit a UV transilluminator for ethidium bromide gels, a blue light transilluminator for SYBR® Safe and GelGreen™ DNA gels and a White Light Converter screen option to visualise protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue, providing maximum gel imaging versatility at minimal cost.

For scientists looking for dedicated chemiluminescence imaging, the new GeneGnome XRQ imager is also on stand. Utilising the system’s low-light capture camera and optimised short ‘camera to sample’ technology, scientists can achieve greater than double the dynamic range of film. This means scientists can with minimal steps capture and produce perfectly exposed images to detect picogram or femtogram levels of protein on chemi Western blots, without the time and effort of using film.

Both systems on show come with unlimited copies of GeneTools software, allowing scientists to rapidly analyse samples and store or print high resolution and publication quality images on any computer, as and when they need to.

For more details on the new-look Syngene imagers, scientists should click these links:

“We’re excited to be introducing our new-look imaging systems on Stand 130 – 136 at ARABLAB this year because they combine the latest in technology and value that modern scientists demand”, states Dr Martin Biggs, Divisional Manager at Syngene, “We look forward to showing them the new range and to discussing how Syngene imagers can improve their research results by capturing the best gel and chemi blots images.”

The post Want great gel and chemi blot images? appeared first on Syngene.

About the Author

I'm Kirsty, and Marketing Specialist at Synoptics covering the Syngene, Synbiosis, Gallenkamp and Fistreem brands. I have been working at Synoptics since the start of 2023 and come from a B2B agency and in-house. I also have experience working at Anglian Waters Central Laboratory in this industry.


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